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Mon, 01/07/2013 - 14:52

Press Release – 06/13/2013

Winning bet for this 1st International Forum that leads to cooperative action to deal with epidemics

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Tue, 11/06/2013 - 15:24

A simulation exercise will take place in the Department of Granada, Nicaragua from 24 to 28 June 2013. The aim is to train 40 veterinarians from several countries of Central American and Caribbean region for a rapid response at a regional level with the view to be able to implement preventive actions for avian influenza. The exercise will be carried out with the support of OIRSA and ANAPA.

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Tue, 21/05/2013 - 14:54

The vesicular stomatitis virus re-occurred the last 01 May 2013 in one district of Belize (Cayo). The last outbreak occurred in 13 January 2012. One horse of a farm was affected. Quarantine was applied but there are no planned control measures.

The event is continuing.

For more information, please see the OIE report.

Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:52
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:51
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:51
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:50
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:48
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:47
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:47
Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:44

The VEP project is a 4-year (2008-2012) regional project that is funded by USDA-APHIS-IS and coordinated by IICA, the United States Department of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – International Services (USDA-APHIS-IS) and CIRAD. CaribVET is the regional coordinator of the VEP project, ensuring that it continues to meet the needs of Caribbean countries. The project involves 10 participants from 10 different islands (Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent).

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Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:37

Working groups with transversal activities

Epidemiology Working Group

The Epidemiology working group contributes to the development of harmonized procedures for epidemiological surveillance networks. For this, Epidemiology working group:

       Assesses and supports epidemiological surveillance networks in the region;

       Develops risk analysis for the region;

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Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:35

The regional network has been built up and developed since 1995 thanks to several projects: Caribbean Amblyomma Programme (CAP) (FAO, USDA) which started interactions among Caribbean countries for the eradication of the tropical bont tick, FIC project (CIRAD-IICA, funded by the French MoFA) (1998-2000) which allowed evaluating veterinary diagnosis capacities in the Caribbean and paved the way for a regional network in epidemiology; FCR on CSF, West Nile and avian influenza (CIRAD, funded by Guadeloupe), CAFP which developed regional activities especially on ticks and CSF (funded by EU); and

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Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:26

The monograph and the geographical repartition (worldwide and more focused in the Americas and the Caribbean region) of the most important animal diseases are presented in this section. When available, technical documents about reports, survey, publication or CaribVET actions are also downloadable. 

The “Diseases” tab is organized as follows

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Mon, 06/05/2013 - 17:17

This section presents the organisation and the operation of the Caribbean Animal Health Network.

The goals of the network are detailed in the “Objectives and Organisation” tab. Information on the role and structure of each CaribVET organ, “Steering Committee”, “Coordination Unit” and “Working groups” are provided in the same sections. The CaribVET partners involved in the activities of the network are presented in the “Members and partners” tabs and the funding sources of the regional network are presented in the “Fundings” section.

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Mon, 06/05/2013 - 16:49

The VEP project is a 4-year (2008-2012) regional project that is funded by USDA-APHIS-IS and coordinated by IICA, the United States Department of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – International Services (USDA-APHIS-IS) and CIRAD. CaribVET is the regional coordinator of the VEP project, ensuring that it continues to meet the needs of Caribbean countries. The project involves 10 participants from 10 different islands (Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent).

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by Dr. Radut