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21 July 2014

Training workshop - Modeling of biological systems

Applications to population dynamics and animal epidemiology

Venue: CIRAD, Domaine de Duclos, Guadeloupe.

Trainer: Pauline Ezanno, (Oniris/Inra Nantes)

The invitation was extended to several research institutes in Guadeloupe (University of Antilles Guyane, INRA, Pasteur Institute, other CIRAD research teams, ARS, DAAF, ORSAG…).

In all, 6 young epidemiologists participated in the training from INRA (1), CIRAD plant health research (1) and from CIRAD Animal health research team (4).

The training aimed at introducing modeling of biological systems (mosquito population, simple epidemic models and dynamics of Vector-borne Diseases) for evaluation of population and epidemic dynamics and assessment of model behavior when parameters changed, including control strategies. Sessions were dedicated to computerized exercises to get trained on open source modeling software (Scilab, version 5.3.1).

See programme

Monday, 21 July, 2014 - 08:00 to Wednesday, 23 July, 2014 - 17:00

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by Dr. Radut